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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:57 am
by Abu Tariq Hijazi


Sheikh Ahmad Deedat is a name which suddenly brings the picture in mind of a smiling white bearded man speaking about Islam in English fluently. We find him debating with Jimmy Swaggart in US, or challenging Palestinian American missionary, Dr. Anis Shorosh in UK or lecturing in Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Australia or visiting Maldives, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. He was a Man of Mission. He dedicated his life for the defense of Islam. Though he was not graduated from any university but the most prestigious Faisal Award was conferred upon him in recognition of his great services to Islam. His first public lecture to fifteen people was delivered in 1942 at Durban declaring “Mohammed; The Messenger of Peace.” Later he delivered hundreds of lectures around the globe and published thousands of his books and videos distributing free in the East and the West. Several thousands people entered the fold of Islam through his efforts.

He was born in a poor family of Surat (India).His father a tailor, migrated to South Africa after his birth. He could see his father only at the age of 9 when he went to Natal. He joined the school, established his worth but could not continue after sixth standard because of financial handicaps. He started a private job at the age of 16. In 1936 he was working on a Muslim owned store near a Christian seminary. The young missionary trainees, taking him a Muslim, hurled a number of insults upon him. Whatever they were taught in the class room against Islam or its Prophet, they bombarded it upon him. He, being a simple Muslim, was perplexed with this sudden attack. But it infused a stubborn flame of desire within the young man to counter act their false allegations.

He tried to search for proper books and fortunately he found a marvelous treatise named Izharul Haq (Truth Revealed) by Maulana Rahmatullah Kairanvi (born in India 1817 buried at Makkah Mukarramah 1890) who already had a challenging debate with Bishop Fender on 11th Rajab 1270 (9th April1854) at Agra. Young Deedat began to study this book in the basement of his employer and purchased his first Bible to attest the references. Next week he was able to defend himself and counteract the trainees in a befitting manner.

He got another opportunity when a new Muslim convert Mr. Fairfax began classes on Bible and that how to preach Islam to Christians. Ahmad Deedat joined the course but after few months Mr. Fairfax left the classes and surprisingly Deedat who was by that time quite competent in the subject took over the class as their tutor which he continued for three years. Now that was his most favorite subject. He began to lecture in Natal and then in nearby cities. A decade later, thousands of people were filling City halls in Johannesburg and Cape Town to hear his dissertations.

Ahmad Deedat also conducted the Guided tours of the vast ornamental Jama Masjid Durban which was a popular r tourist spot. A sophisticated program of luncheons, speeches and free handbills was created for the international tourists what was often their first touch to Islam. By 1956 his activity increased many folds and it was felt necessary to establish a separate Dawah (Preaching) center in the city. He was supported by two of his friends named Mr. Ghulam Husain Vanker and Mr. Taher Rasool who supported him to establish the Islamic Propagation Center International (IPCI) for publication of books and arranging classes for the ever increasing Muslim converts. Muslim community of South Africa supported his efforts. A generous Muslim brother donated 30,000 m2 plot where he established large Al Salaam Educational Institute at Braemar.

In 1985 he started his real career as champion of global Dawah work. He rented the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London twice to debate the world fame Christian contemporaries in front of packed audience. As a crown of his successes he was awarded with King Faisal International Prize for the service of Islam in 1986.
The main subjects of his debates were “Is the Bible True Word of God?” and “Is Jesus God?” which he discussed with Swaggart in US, Anis Shorosh in UK ,or Pastor Stanley Sjoberg in Stockholm Sweden and Pastor Erick Bock in Copenhagen Denmark. These debates were recorded on video and distributed in thousands throughout the world. He was bold enough even to invite Pope John Paul II, to a public dialogue in the Vatican Square but the Pope did not accept as defined in Deedat’s pamphlet “His Holiness Plays Hide and Seek With Muslims”.

He was a prolific author for his mission. He wrote the following concise and impressive palm size books which were printed and distributed in millions around the globe.
• Is the Bible God's Word?
• What The Bible Says About Muhammad
• Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction?
• Muhammad: The Natural Successor to Christ
• Christ in Islam
• Muhammad The Greatest
• Al-Qur'an the Miracle of Miracles
• What is His Name
• What was the sign of Jonah
• Resurrection or Resuscitation

The collected version of his four books appeared in “The Choice: Islam or Christianity” in 1993. Later another collection of his six books was published as “The Choice Volume Two”. He also wrote a Combat Kit arming the young generation against the Bible thumpers.
In 1996 when he was at the climax of his activity, he suffered a serious stroke and remained paralyzed and bedridden for nine years. He was unable to speak or write. Even in this situation he received dozens of letters and visitors daily to pay him respect and homage to his great contribution and he (through signaling) encouraged them to continue the noble work in future. Sheikh Ahmad Deedat breathed his last on 3rd Rajab 1426 (8th August 2005) at his home and was buried at Verulam cemetery in South Africa. His wife Hawwa Deedat expired at 85 after a year on 28th Aug 2006. May Almighty Allah bless his soul with Jannatul Firdous for his path-breaking and excellent efforts for Daw’ah of Islam worldwide as well as re-igniting the spirit of self-esteem and renaissance amongst millions of Muslims around the world.

Though he could not speak since 1996 but he is still seen (on his videos) smiling in debating halls and his voice is heard loudly inviting the masses to the Truth, in UK and US, in Sweden, in Canada and Australia. His eternal message is “Come to the Light or Stay in the Dark, Choice is Yours.”


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:44 am
by Abu Tariq Hijazi
It was my pleasure to meet Brother Yousuf Deedat the son of Great Sheikh Ahmad Deedat (may Allah raise his ranks in Paradise) who visited Jeddah on 10th Rabi al Awwal 1433 AH (Feb 02,2012).


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:59 am
by munir-armaan-nasimi
Mohtaram Janab Abu Tariq Hijazi Saheb,


:mashallah: behad maalumaati mazmoon hai, To be very honest I was not aware anything about the Great Shaikh Ahmad Deedat before. After reading your article my heart said... WOW, What an article.

Thanks a lot for this.


Munir Armaan Nasimi


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:45 am
by Nayeem Khan