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Seeratun Nabi

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:27 pm
by Abu Tariq Hijazi

Great Benevolence of Almighty Allah
Allah did confer a great favor on the Believers
When He sent among them a Messenger from among themselves
Rehearsing unto them the Signs of Allah
Purifying them and instructing them in Scripture and Wisdom
While before that they had been in manifest error. (Al Quran 3:164)

Most Kind & Merciful
Now hath come unto you a Messenger, from among yourselves
It grieves him that you should suffer
Ardently anxious is he, over you
To the Believers, he is most kind and merciful. (Al Quran 9:128)

Excellent Exempler
Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah
An excellent exempler, for him
Who hopes in Allah and the Final Day
And who remembers Allah much. (Al Quran 33:21)

This is the status of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as described in Holy Quran.
Now we try to understand and learn from his Seerah in 40 points as under:

1. Descendency: He is Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) b. Abdullah b. Abdul Muttaleb b. Hashem b. Abd Manaf b. Qusaii bin Kalab b. Murrahh b. Kaab b. Loi b. Ghalib bin Fahar-Quraish from Adnan bin Ismael bin Prophet Ibrahim A.S.

2. His father Abdullah died at the age of 25. He was born posthumous at Makkah on Monday 12th Rabi I, 53 BH (22nd April 571 CE).

3. At the age of 6, he visited Madina with his mother Amina bint Wahab. She expired on the return journey at Abwa (near Mastura) and was buried there.

4. At 8, his grandfather Abdul Muttaleb expired. He lived with his uncle Abu Taleb.

5. At 12, he traveled to Sham on a business trip with his uncle Abu Taleb, where Bishop Buhaira recognized him and declared him as future Prophet.

6. At 24 he led a business caravan to Sham for Khadija bint Khuwailed a rich lady trader of Makkah.

7. At 25 he married Lady Khadija a widow of 40 years.

8. At 35, when renowned as Ameen (trust worthy) he solved a dispute among Quraish while rebuilding the Holy Kaaba.

9. At 38 when having peaceful and prosperous life with Khadija and few children he secluded himself to Hira cave at Makkah pondering over the secrets of nature and Supreme Authority of Almighty Allah.

10. At 40 he received the First Divine revelation from Almighty Allah through Arch Angel Gibrael on 10th Ramadhan (Feb. 610 CE) at Hira Cave.

11. His wife Khadija consoled him and took him to his cousin Warqa bin Nofel who was a scholar of Holy Scriptures. He advised that he was selected to be the Prophet (like Moses) for future.

12. His wife Khadija, his friend Abubakr his freed slave Zaid bin Hartha and his minor cousin Ali bin Abi Taleb embraced the new faith called ‘ISLAM’ (Submission to Allah) on the first day.

13. Dawat (Preaching) began secretly. Usman bin Affan, Abdur Rahman bin Auf Zubair bin Awwam, Talha bin Ubaidullah Abi Obaidullah al Jarrah and Arqam bin Arqam embraced Islam as pioneers.

14. Later second group of Obaida bin Harith, Saeed bin Zaid, Jaafer bin Abu Taleb, Khabbab bin Art, Abdullah bin Masud, Musaab bin Umair and Fatima bint Khattab embraced Islam.

15. After two sons (who died in infancy) and three daughters, Fatima was born in 14 BH to Khadija.

16. First Public Declaration of Islam at Jabal Abu Qubais. Islam began to gain popularity but Quraish (non Muslims) began to resist and torture the poor Muslims.

17. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) advised Muslims to migrate from Makkah. The First batch of 11 men and 4 women including Usman bin Affan and his wife Ruqayya (daughter of Holy Prophet s.a.w.) migrated in 7 BH to Habasha (Ethiopia) ruled by a kind King named Najashi.

18. After few months another group of 82 men and 18 women migrated to Habasha.

19. Hamza bin Abdul Muttaleb (his uncle and foster brother) embraced Islam. Umer ibn al Khattab the staunch enemy embraced Islam with persuasion of his sister Fatima and her husband Saeed bin Zaid in 9 BH.

20. Amr Ibnal Aas visited King Najashi as Quraish envoy, asking him to expel Muslims from Habasha but Jaafer’s brave explanation at the court failed Amr’s mission. Later King Najashi embraced Islam.

21. Boycott campaign of Quraish against Muslim families and their siege at Shoeb Ali for 3 years (7 -4 BH).

22. Events of year 03 Before Hijrah:

A. Death of Khadija his supporting wife: and protecting uncle Abu Taleb. This is called Aam al Huzn (Year of Sorrows).

B. After Khadija’s death at 65, his marriage with another widow of 50 years named Sauda bint Zamaa.

C. His visit to Taif to preach Islam and pagan’s harsh reaction against him, rejecting his message.

D. The great incident of Me’raj (Accession to Heaven) on 27th Rajab, to show him the greatness of his mission by Almighty Allah. Gift of five time’s daily salaat for Muslims.

23. Holy Prophet (SAW) presented Islam to tribes at Haj in Mina. Six fortunate persons from Madina (then called Yathreb) embraced Islam secretly in 2 BH.

24. A group of 12 persons came from Madina during next Haj and embraced Islam in Mina in 01 BH. This is called the First ‘Baitul Aqaba’. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) sent Musab bin Umair to Madina as their guide and tutor.

25. During next Haj, 72 men and 2 women from Aws and Khazraj tribes of Yathreb embraced Islam at Mina. This is called Second ‘Bait al Aqaba’. Holy Prophet (SAW) appointed 12 Naqeeb (Chiefs) for their guidance.

26. Many Muslims migrated to Madina secretly. Quraish hatched a conspiracy at Dar Nadwa to kill Holy Prophet (SAW) and besieged his house at night.

27. Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW) moved from his house and migrated secretly to Madina with Abubakr on 27th Safar .This is called Hijrah. He stayed 3 days in Thaur Cave near Makkah and then reached Quba near Madina on 8th Rabi 1. He Built Quba Mosque and entered Madina in Procession on Friday the 12th Rabi 1 (24th Sept.622). He offered First Salaat of Juma at Bani Salem where Masjid al Juma stands today.

28. Hijrah is a turn of Human History. It is taken as the starting point of Islamic calendar. The Islamic Hijrah Era began from the ‘Year of Hijrah’. It was enacted as official calendar starting from Friday July 16, 622 CE as 01.01.01. by Caliph Umer Ibnal Khattab in 17 AH.
29. The First Year of Hijra: (From Friday 16th July 622 CE).

A. Holy Prophet (SAW) entered Madina in procession on Friday the 12 Rabi 1 01 AH. The city was renamed as Madina-tun-Nabi or Madina Munawwara after his arrival.

B. Holy Prophet (SAW) stayed at the house of Abu Ayyub Ansari from Banu Najjar and built famous ‘Masjid un Nabi’ working personally with Sahaba (his companions).

C. Holy Prophet (SAW) commenced Mo-aakha (Brother-hood) among Mohajereen (Makkans) and Ansar (Aws & Khazraj of Madina) creating Ummah Islamiyah.

D. Holy Prophet (SAW) sealed a Document laying the foundation of Islamic State. He made peace agreement with non Muslim Jews of Madina.

E. Holy Prophet (SAW) married Ayesha bint Abubakr.

F. Salman Farsi embraced Islam.

G. Calling Muslim for salat through Azaan enacted.

30 Second Year of Hijrah (From Tuesday 5th July 623 CE)

A. Directive of Jehad, Almighty Allah allowed Muslim to fight with those who oppress them.

B. Divine Directive to Change the direction of Qibla from Al Quds in the north to Holy Kaaba of Makkah in the south enacted on 17th Rajab 02 AH.

C. Divine Directives of Ramadhan Fasting, Zakat, Fitrah and Salat of Eid.

D. Ghazwah Badar: On 17th Ramadhan (13th Mar.624) about 313 Muslim from Mohajereen and Ansar fought against 1000 Quraish at Badr, Almighty Allah gave victory to Muslims. Seventy pagans were Killed including their leaders like Abu Jehal and Umayyah bin Khalaf. Seventy pagans were taken as captives. Fourteen Muslims were martyred.

E. Birth of Abdullah bin Zubair to Asma as the first Mohajir baby born at Madina.

F. Siege of Jew tribe Banu Qainqa against their conspiracies and their expulsion from Madina.

G. Marriage of Fatima, the daughter of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) with Ali bin Abi Taleb.

H. Death of Ruqayya (the daughter of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) wife of Usman bin Affan at Madina.

31. Year 03 AH (From Sunday 24th June 624 CE)

A. Ghazwa Ohud: A large force of Makkans under Abu Sufyan attacked Madina in Shawwal 03 (Mar.22, 625). Abi Salool Munafiq defected with 600 followers. Muslims fought bravely defeating pagans but Khalid’s surprise attack from the rear harmed Muslims. 70 Muslims were martyred including Hamza bin Abdul Muttaleb. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)was injured.

B. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) married Hafsa bint Umer whose husband had died with injuries received in the Battle of Badr.

C. Hasan bin Ali the grandson of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was born to Fatima.

D. After the death of Ruqayya Umm Kulthum the third daughter of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was married to Uthman bin Affan. He was called Zun Noorain.

E. The pagans of Adal and Qara tribes killed 10 Muslims through treachery at Rajee.

32. Year 04 AH: (From Thursday 13th June 625 CE)

A. The pagans killed 70 Muslims through treachery at Beer Mauuna in Nejd.

B. Ghazwa Banu Nadeer against the Jew tribe and their expulsion from Madina.

C. Marriage of Holy Prophet (SAW) with Zainab bint Khuzaima wife of Abdullah bin Jahash who was martyred at Ohud but she expired after three months.

D. Holy Prophet (SAW) married Um Salma whose husband Abdullah Abu Salma had died with wounds of Ohud battle.

E. Husain the second grandson of Holy Prophet (SAW) was born to Fatima and Ali
F. Marriage of Zainab bint Jahash to Holy Prophet (SAW) after she was divorced by Zaid bin Hartha.

G. Directive of veil for Muslim ladies.

33. Year 05 AH: (From Monday 02nd June 626 CE)

A. Ghazwa Ahzaab: (Battle of Trench). Over 10,000 Pagans from Makkah and other regions besieged Madina in Shawwal for 15 days (March, 627). Muslim dug a defensive trench and confronted the enemy. The pagans could not cross the trench and returned defeated.

B. Ghazwah Banu Quraizah: The Jew tribe of Banu Quraiza who conspired with the enemy, were besieged for 25 days. Later after a decision of their Arbitrator Saad bin Muaaz, the adults were killed and their families were deported from Madina.

C. Death of Saad bin Muaaz the chief of Aws with the wounds he received at the Battle of Trench.

D. Holy Prophet (SAW) married Juwairia daughter of Harith who was chief of Banu Mustalaq. She later embraced Islam.

E. Divine Directive barring marriage of Muslim men and women to pagan male and females
34. Year 06 AH: (From Saturday 23rd May 627 CE)

A. Divine Directive of Haj for Muslims.

C. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) with 1400 Muslims came from Madina in Ziqaad (March 628) to perform Umrah but they were stopped by Makkans at Hudaibiya. The Great win of Baet Shajarah and Peace treaty at Hadaibiya.

D. Holy Prophet (SAW) sent envoys with his letters to leading Kings in the east and the west inviting them to Islam.

35. Year 07 AH (From Wednesday 11th May 628 CE)

A. Ghazwa Khaibar: The Jews of Khaibar who were conspiring against Muslims were defeated by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) with 1600 Mujahedeen and deported to Sham.

B. Jaafer bin Abu Taleb returned from Habasha and met Holy Prophet (SAW) at Khaibar.

C. Abdur Rahman Sakhar al Dosi embraced Islam and attached himself to Holy Prophet (SAW) for learning. He, later named as Abu Hurairah, collected highest numbers of Hadith from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

D. Holy Prophet (SAW) married three desperate ladies named Ramla Um Habiba bint Abu Sufyan (who was widowed in Habasha), Safya bint Haii al Akhtab (whose husband Kanana was killed in the Battle of Khaiber) and Maimuna (the widow of Abu Raham) for reconciliation and patronage.

E. ‘Muta’ the temporary marriage in Islam was banned.

36. Year 08 AH: (From Monday 01st May 629 CE)

A. Khalid bin Waleed and Amr ibnal Aas, the great warrior of future conquests embraced Islam.

B. Holy Prophet (SAW) visited Makkah with Sahaba to perform missed Umrah of Hudaibiya and stayed there for three days.

C. At Mauta in Jordon Muslim force of 3000 repulsed large Roman army of 100,000 in Jamad I, (Sept.629). Three commanders named Zaid bin Hartha, Jaafer bin Abu Taleb and Abdullah bin Rawaha were martyred but finally Khalid bin Waleed brought the force back safely to Madina.

D. Conquest of Makkah: Holy Prophet (SAW) marched from Madina with 10,000 Mujahedin, entered Makkah on 20th Ramadhan (Jan 610) and conquered it without any blood-shed.

E. Abbas bin Abdul Muttaleb and Quraish Commander and staunch enemy Abu Sufyan with his wife Hind embraced Islam.

F. Ghazwah Hunain: Holy Prophet (SAW) marched towards Taif in Shawwal (Feb. 630) with 12,000 Mujahedeen, defeated the enemy at Hunain and besieged Taif.

G. Birth of Ibrahim a son to Holy Prophet (SAW) from Maria but he expired after 18 months.

H. Zainab the eldest daughter of Holy Prophet (SAW) expired leaving a girl named Umama.

37. Year 09 AH: (From Friday 20th April 630 CE)

A. Ghazwa Tabuk: Holy Prophet (SAW) marched in Rajab to Tabuk with 30,000 Mujahedin against Roman army but they dispersed before his arrival.

B. Islamic authority was established in Arabia, Over 70 deputations came to Madina to embrace Islam and express their allegiance to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

C. Abubakr sent to Makkah as Amiral Haj. First Islamic Haj Performed.

D. Centre of conspiracies named as Masjid Darar was burned to ashes.

38. Year 10AH (From Tuesday 09th April 631)

A. Farewell Haj: Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) performed Haj with 124,000 Sahaba and declared the doctrines of Islam. His Farewell sermon is a master piece of oratory and wisdom. He also said that they would not find him with them next year. He charged Muslims to take Islamic message to the four corners of the world.

B. A large force of Mujahedeen including Abubaker and Omer ibnal Khattab under Usama bin Zaid was collected to fight Romans in Jordon.

C. Musailma the liar claimed the false Prophet-hood. He was later besieged in Najd and killed.

D. Death of Umm Kulthum the third daughter of Holy Prophet (SAW).

39. Year 11AH (From Sunday 29th March 632 CE)

A. Aswad al Ansi who claimed the false Prophet-hood was killed in Yemen.

B. Holy Prophet (SAW) expired on Monday the 12th Rabi 11 AH (7th June 632) at age of 63 Hijrah years leaving a large Ummah Islamiah who is following his foot-steps for the last 1400 years. He was buried at the place where he expired in the Hujrah of Ayesha adjacent to Masjid Nabavi which now lies under Green Dome and is called Roda Shareef.

C. Abubakr was elected in Rabi al Awwal, 11AH as the First Caliph of Islam at Madina Munawwarah without any resistance. He was followed in democratic style by Umer ibnal Khattab (13AH) Uthman bin Affan (23 AH) and Ali bin Abi Taleb (36-40 AH).This period of 40 years is called Khilafat-i- Rashedah in Islamic history. Later Khilafat Banu Umayyah ruled for 92 years, Khilafat Abbasia for 764 years and Khilafat Usmania for 400 years ending after 1300 years, in 1342 AH (1924AD) at Istanbul.

May Allah’s choicest blessings and peace be upon our Prince and
Guide Mohammed. (sallallaho alaihey va sallam)

40. Holy Quran is the Divine Message to the entire mankind, revealed through Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) gradually during a period of twenty three years. It is the WORD OF GOD. The sayings and practices of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) are known as Hadith and Sunnah. He advised the Muslim Ummah of every place and time to hold fast the Quran and Sunnah which is the key of success in this world and the Hereafter.

May our Lord Allah bless us to follow him on his foot-steps. Ameen.

Abu Tariq Hijazi
12th Rabi al Awwal 1438H Dec.11,2016 care <>

Re: Seeratun Nabi

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 3:45 pm
by Abu Tariq Hijazi
Masha-Allah very good article. In short you described all main events. It is very useful for students and common-men.
Omer Bilal Hijazi