The Principal Name of God Almighty

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Tanwir Phool
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The Principal Name of God Almighty

Post by Tanwir Phool »

We humans are the most eminent of all creatures of GOD ALMIGHTY. He always wants that we should be obedient to Him. For this purpose He guided us through a series of prophets. The teachings of all the prophets is the same i.e. obedience of GOD ALMIGHTY for success and prosperity of human beings in both the worlds. We should try to follow true teachings of all the prophets for achieving the goals of universal peace, brotherhood, equality, education and charity.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008
What is The Main (Principal) Name of GOD ALMIGHTY and What He Says about Jesus Christ?
By Tanwir Phool

The main or principal name of GOD ALMIGHTY is "ALLAH". There is no plural of this word. Similar word is also available in the New Testament(Gospel). It is an opinion that this word means "Al-Elah" i:e "The Deity". The word "Elah" stands for "Deity" and "Al" for "The" in Arabic. In the Old Testament , the names of GOD ALMIGHTY are "JEHOVAH " and "YAHWEH" which are nearer to pronunciation of "ALLAH".

The Gospels tell us about the last words of Jesus. According to Gospels(the New Testament) there are three different versions of the last words uttered by Jesus on the cross.The reason is that ,only translations of Gospel are available instead of the original text revealed on Jesus.
According to Mark (15:34-35), Jesus yelled with a great shout "Eloi,Eloi, lama sabachthani?". Through the centuries, according to interpreters the last words of Jesus meant "My GOD, my GOD, why have You forsaken me?"

In Hebrew it is "Eli,Eli, lama azabtani?" while in Aramaic "Elahi,Elahi,lema sebaqtani?".
The word "Elahi" is available in Arabic which means "My Deity" or "My GOD".This word is also available in Psalms of David in the same meanings(the text of Psalm 22:2 in Aramaic).
According to Mark,followed by Matthew(27:46-47) the element of screaming has further been emphasized that some of those present at the moment would have understood that he(Jesus) was calling for the prophet Elijah.

According to John(19:30) "As Jesus took the wine,he exclaimed:'It is finished' and bowing his head,he handed over his spirit."

According to Luke(23:46) there is a third and different version of the last words of Jesus "And shouting with a great shout Jesus said 'Father into thy hands I commit my spirit."

It is obvious that the scene of death of Jesus in past tense can't be described in a book revealed on him in his life time.It is only a historical statement which has been added to Gospel.

Let us discuss the word "father" quoted in translation of Gospel.There is a word "Rab" which means "Preserver, Cherisher, Sustainer, Master, Deity or Lord".This word was also used for "father" and its plural is "arbaab"(verse No.31 of surah No.9 of the last book of GOD ALMIGHTY).When used for GOD ALMIGHTY there is no plural of this word.
Jesus had used the same word for GOD ALMIGHTY which was wrongly translated as "father" by the interpreters.GOD ALMIGHTY is far away from eating,drinking and sexual relations.Those who eat and drink are subject to death and He will never die.He is The Creator and all others are His creatures who are subject to death.Adam was born without father and mother and Jesus was born without father as GOD ALMIGHTY is Omnipotent(Having Power over all things).According to verse No.59 of surah No.3 Aal-e-Imran (The Family of
Imran):" The similitude of Jesus before GOD ALMIGHTY is as that of Adam; He Created him from dust,then Said to him "Be": and he was."

There are two categories of prophets; "Rasool" and "Nabi".The word "Rasool" is derived from Arabic word "Irsaal" which means "to send".This is used for a Messenger of GOD ALMIGHTY Blessed with a Book, such as Moses,David,Jesus and Mohammed (Peace be upon them).

"Nabi" is an assistant/deputy to "Rasool" such as Aaron,Solomon,Zachariah and John(Peace be upon them). The word "Nabi" is derived from "Naaib" which means "deputy or assistant".
"Rasool" has also the powers of "Nabi" as such he is greater than "Nabi". Every Rasool is also a Nabi but it is not necessary that every Nabi is also a Rasool. No Rasool was killed or murdered as he was sent specially by GOD ALMIGHTY. However,other prophets who were not "Rasool" but only "Nabi",were murdered such as Zakariya (Zachariah) and John(Peace be upon them).Jesus was also a "Rasool"(Messenger of GOD ALMIGHTY Blessed with a Book) as such it was not appropriate for him to be killed/murdered ,but another person of the same resemblance was crucified in his place.Verses 156 to 159 of surah No.4 "An-Nisa"(Women) of the last Book of GOD ALMIGHTY tell as under:

"That they rejected faith;that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;that they said(in boast),"We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary,the Messenger of GOD;but they killed him not,nor crucified him.Only a likeness of that was shown to them.And those who differ therein are full of doubts,with no (certain) knowledge. But only conjecture to follow,for of a surety they killed him not;nay,GOD Raised him up unto Himself; and GOD is Exalted in Power,Wise, and there is none of the people of the Book but must believe in him before his death,and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them."

GOD ALMIGHTY is also called "Rahmaan"(The Most Merciful) and there is no plural of this word also.The last two verses of surah No.17 "Bani Israel"(The Children of Israel) tell as under:
"Say,'Call upon Allah,or call upon Rahmaan: by whatever name you call upon Him,(it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.Neither speak your prayer aloud,nor speak it in a low tone,but seek a middle course between.Say,Praise be to Allah(God Almighty),Who begets no son,and has no partner in (His) dominion:nor (needs) He any to protect Him from humiliation:Yea, magnify Him for His Greatness and Glory !"

In verse No.82 of surah No.5 God Almighty(Allah) Admires the Christians and Says,"Nearest among them in love to the Believers will you find those who say,"We are Christians": because amongst them,there are men devoted to learning,and men who have renounced the world,and they are not arrogant."

GOD ALMIGHTY(ALLAH) Sees the Faith of inner heart and Says in verse No.62 of surah No.2: "Those who believe and those who follow the Jewish(scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians,any who believe in GOD ALMIGHTY(ALLAH) and the Last Day,and work righteousness,shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear,nor shall they grieve."

See these links also: ... id=1108116

Posted by Spiritual Mentor at 09:24
CricFan said...
purely knowledgeable blog post. thanks for it

24 June 2008 10:03
sami ullah said...
yes i am agree with you,ALLAH is the main name of GOD ALMIGHTY.
Sami Ullah khan
1st april 2010

31 March 2010 19:31
Tabassum said...
It is a fact that Jesus (p.b.u.h.)
was very sincere and true prophet
of God Almighty.He was much obedient and full of patience.It is a question,when he was being sacrified according to Will of God,
why he shouted,"My God,my God,why have you forsaken me?", whereas the son of Abraham(peace be upon them)did not do so.

It is,therefore,proved that the man who was crucified was not Jesus
but his enemy who went with the police to arrest Jesus (p.b.u.h.)
and his face was changed as the face of Jesus,as a measure of punishment,by the God.Resultantly,
he was crucified in place of Jesus
and cried in helplessness.Jesus (p.b.u.h.) was saved and raised up
to heaven by the God Almighty.
In our law also,only the criminal
culprit is punished,not another innocent person in place of him.
Everyone is responsible for his own doings.As such,Jesus was not
penalized for the sins of others
as it was a great injustice.

10 May 2010 20:21
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Re: The Principal Name of God Almighty

Post by sbashwar »

سالم احمد باشوار
Tanwir Phool
Posts: 2209
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Re: The Principal Name of God Almighty

Post by Tanwir Phool »

Thanks a lot Bashwar Sb.
Always remember in du'aa :jazax:
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