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Abu Tariq Hijazi
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Post by Abu Tariq Hijazi »



Presently we are passing through the first decade of 2000, but if we rewind our clock 4000 years back to 2000 BC, we find Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic) living in Palestine. He was the greatest Person of the whole BC era. Though 40 centuries have passed but his character and the message are still exemplary for millions of people on the earth. He was the Great propounder of Monotheism in the world. He Declared the Oneness of Almighty God when the whole world was submerged into the darkness of polytheism. He heralded his determination Alone that he Turns his face to the Almighty God, the One who is the Creator of the universe.

He was born in Babylon (modern Iraq), migrated to Syria, travelled to Egypt, lived in Hijaz and died in Palestine. He is buried at a palace which is known to the entire world after his name as al Khaleel. The whole Middle East was his area of operation for his mission. He assigned his nephew Lot to Sodom, his son Isaac to Palestine and planted his elder son Ismail, at Hijaz. He is ancestor of most of the Prophets referred in Old Testament, New Testament and the Holy Quraan. He holds the highest position in the world history with no parallel to him. Here we analyze his Life and the Mission through the Excerpts from Holy Quran.

1. His Basic argument : Almighty God chose him as His Friend (Khaleel) and gave him insight at an early age. The people around him in Syria were worshipping Stars (Thurayya). He was also invited to select a star for his own worship. But after examining the sun and the moon, he rejected the idea and turned his face towards Allah the Creator of the heavens and the earth:

When the night covered him over, he saw a star: he said:
"This is my Lord." But when it set, he said:
"I love not those that set."

When he saw the moon rising in splendour, he said:
"This is my Lord." But when the moon set, he said:
"Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be
among those who go astray."

When he saw the sun rising in splendour, he said:
"This is my Lord; this is the greatest (of all)."
But when the sun set, he said:
"O my people! I am indeed free
from your (guilt) of giving partners to Allah.

"For me, I have set my face,
firmly and truly, towards Him
Who created the heavens and the earth
and never shall I give partners to Allah." (6:70-80)

2. Abraham the Iconoclast: Nimrud was a powerful and tyrant king ruling in Iraq. The people were generally idolatrous and had many temples around the city. Ibrahim was astonished on their behavior that how the people were assigning their aspirations to the idols of the stones. He wanted to teach them a lesson. One day when they were out of the town for a festival, he entered the Temple and hammered the stone-idols, mutilating their faces except the big one. Lastly he placed the axe on the shoulder of the Big idol. And when the people returned from the festival and saw their gods and goddesses smashed and mutilated, they turned mad. Though they were ashamed on worshipping the idols who did not hear or speak but they cried to kill Ibrahim. (37; 91-98* 21;57-62* 21;62-67* 29;22-23)

(He entered the temple and)
Then did he turn to their gods and said,
"Will ye not eat (Of the offerings before you) ?.
"What is the matter with you that
ye speak not (intelligently)?"
Then did he turn upon them,
striking (them) with the right hand. (37;91-93)

So he broke them to pieces (all)
but the biggest of them, that they might turn
(and address themselves) to it.

They said, "Who has done this to our gods?
He must indeed be some man of impiety!"
They said, "We heard a youth talk of them:
he is called Abraham."

They said, "Then bring him
before the eyes of the people,
that they may bear witness."

They said, "Art thou the one
that did this with our gods, O Abraham?"

He said: "Nay, this was done by,
this is their biggest one! Ask them,
if they can speak intelligently!"

So they turned to themselves and said,
"Surely ye are the ones in the wrong!"

Then were they confounded with shame:
(they said) "Thou knowest full well that
these (idols) do not speak!"

(Abraham) said, "Do ye then worship, besides Allah,
things that can neither be
of any good to you nor do you harm?
"Fie upon you, and upon the things that ye worship
besides Allah! Have ye no sense?"(21;57-67)

So naught was the answer of (Abraham's) people
Except that they said: "Slay him or burn him."
But Allah did save him from the Fire.
Verily in this are Signs for people who believe.(29;23)

3. Argument with the King: They caught Abraham and took him to the King who had an argument with him. Abraham declared the Power of his Lord in the open court.
Hast thou not turned thy vision to one
who disputed with Abraham about his Lord,
because Allah had granted him power?
Abraham said: "My Lord is He Who giveth life and death."
He said: "I give life and death."
Said Abraham: "But it is Allah that causeth
the sun to rise from the East
do thou then cause him to rise from the West?"
Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected Faith.
Nor doth Allah give guidance to a people unjust.

4. The Great Miracle: The King Nimrud was defeated logically but he ordered to burn Abraham alive in a big fire. They ignited the fire for weeks and threw Abraham into it. But to their great surprise the blazing Fire, by the order of his Lord, turned into a flower-bed for Abraham and he emerged triumphantly from it. (21;64-70)

They said, "Burn him
and protect your gods, if ye do (anything at all)!"
We said, "O Fire! be thou cool.
and (a means of) safety for Abraham!"
Then they sought a stratagem against him:
but We made them the ones that lost most! (21;64-70)

5. Great advise to idol worshippers of all ages: Almighty God appointed him a Prophet. And at this Grand success Abraham declared his true Faith in Almighty God and advised the people not to worship the sun and the moon idols but the One Who created them. (41-37 26; 77-83 )

Among His Signs are the Night and the Day,
and the Sun and the Moon.
Adore not the sun and the moon, but
adore Allah, Who created them,
if it is Him ye wish to serve.(41;37)

"For they are enemies to me;
not so the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds;
"Who created me,
and it is He Who guides me;
"Who gives me food and drink,
"And when I am ill,
it is He Who cures me;
"Who will cause me to die,
and then to live (again);
"And Who, I hope, will forgive me my faults
on the Day of Judgment...
"O my Lord! bestow wisdom on me,
and join me with the righteous;

6. Migration the Prophetic way: After this difficult trials Abraham left his father and the fatherland and migrated to Egypt with his wife Sarah and he returned triumphant to Palestine with many gifts from the Egyptian king including a maid named Hajrah.

7. Sarah & Hajrah: Sarah was barren and had no child. Later Abraham married Hajrah and she gave birth to a boy at his old age of 95. This created a jealousy to Sarah and she pressed her husband to take Hajrah away from her. On the Divine Guidance Abraham took Hajrah and the new born Ismail to a distant place called Makkah in Hijaz. The story is very pathetic when Ibrahim left his beloved wife and infant son in barren valley with no greenery, water or human inhabitation. Abraham prayed to his Lord for the prosperity and security of his offspring in this barren valley. (14;37 14;35-41)

"O our Lord! I have made some of
my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation,
by Thy Sacred House; in order,
O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer:
so fill the hearts of some among men
with love towards them, and
feed them with Fruits:
so that they may give thanks.

8. Moments of trial: Hajrah passed through a tough trial. When the little amount of dates and water left by Abraham was over within few days, she was thirsty and her infant son Ismail was crying to death. She ran madly between the two nearby hillocks of Safa & Marwah crying for God's help. She ran seven times. The hills and hillocks echoed with her cries. This was an ordeal, a great ordeal of God, upon a lean woman. She cried again and again but called none except Him. She was a winner. God showered His mercy upon her and a forceful spring of sweet water gushed out near Ismail's feet. She called it Zamzam and it is flowing at the same place for the last 4000 years. Almighty Allah declared Safa & Marwah as His Signs and ordained the pilgrims to run seven times between them like His devoted lady, Hajrah. (2; 158)

Behold! Safa and Marwa are
among the Symbols of Allah.
So if those who visit the House
in the Season or at other times,
should compass them round,
it is no sin in them.
And if any one obeyeth his own impulse to Good,
be sure that Allah is He Who recogniseth and knoweth.(2:158)

9.The Great Triumph: Ibrahim was sure that Almighty Allah will protect his family. He returned after few years and found his infant Ismail as an energetic boy. At this juncture he was again tested by his Lord. He saw in a dream that he is offering his son Ismail as a sacrifice to his Lord. He was perplexed as he had only one son in his old age but he decided to win His pleasure and to slaughter Ismail. As a token he also consulted his son about his dream. Ismail was the son of a great soul. He proved to be stronger like Abraham. Abraham laid his son on the ground to slaughter him at Mina near Makkah. His Lord awarded him with Great Pleasure and ransomed Ismail with a goat sacrifice. This is the practice which is followed by all Muslims through out the world as 'Eid al Ad-ha" or the Festival of Sacrifice. (37; 99-105 37;106-113)

Then, when (the son) reached
(the age of) (serious) work with him,
he said: "O my son! I see in vision that
I offer thee in sacrifice:
now see what is thy view!" (the son) said:
"O my father! do as thou art commanded:
thou will find me, if Allah so wills,
one practicing Patience and Constancy!"

So when they had both submitted their wills (to Allah),
and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (for sacrifice),
We called out to him, "O Abraham!
"Thou hast already fulfilled the vision!"
thus indeed do We reward those who do right.
For this was obviously a trial,
And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice:
And We left (this blessing) for him
among generations (to come) in later times:

10. Grand Honor: After their great success, Ibrahim and Ismail both, were crowned with the great Honor of building the First House of worship on the earth, of Almighty Allah Alone. (3;96-97)

The first House (of worship)
appointed for men was that at Bakka;
full of blessing and of guidance
for all kinds of beings:

In it are Signs manifest; (for example),
the Station of Abraham;
whoever enters it attains security;
pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,
those who can afford the journey;
but if any deny faith,
Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures. (3:96-97)

11. When raising the walls: When Father and the son were performing this great service to Almighty Allah they beseeched Him for the prosperity of this barren land and to raise a Prophet from among these people. Both the prayers were accepted. Almighty provided full facilities to this land and raised the Last Prophet named Mohammed from this region. 2;126 2;127-128.

And remember Abraham said:
"My Lord, make this a City of Peace,
and feed its People with fruits'
such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day."
He said: "(Yea),
and such as reject Faith,
for a while will I grant them their Pleasure,
but will soon drive them to the torment of Fire,
an evil destination (indeed)!"

And remember Abraham and Isma'il
raised the foundations of the House (with this prayer):
"Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us:
for Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

"Our Lord! Make of us Muslims bowing to Thy (Will);
and of our progeny a people Muslim,
bowing to Thy (Will); and show us our places
for the celebration of (due) rites;
and turn unto us (in Mercy); for
Thou art the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.(2;124-128)

12 Progeny of Abraham: Ismail was born to Abraham at the age of 95. Ismail got 12 sons named Nabat, Qidar, Isbil, Mishi, Masma, Mash, Dusa, Arar, Yatur, Nabsh, Tema and Qidma, The Arabs in Hijaz are generally the descendants of Nabat and Qidar. Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.) was from Adnan who was from the line of Nabat bin Ismail.

13. Second son of Abraham: After about 12 years Almighty Allah gave good tiding to Prophet Ibrahim of another son through Sarah, though she was barren lady of ninety years. It was a miracle, Sarah could not believe it but she got a son and he was named Isaac. (11; 69-73)

And his wife was standing (there),
and she laughed: but
We gave her glad tidings of Isaac,
and after him, of Jacob.

She said: "Oh, woe to me!
shall I bear a child,
seeing I am an old woman,
and my husband here is an old man?
That would indeed be a wonderful thing!"

They said: "Dost thou wonder at Allah's decree?
The grace of Allah and His blessings on you,
O ye people of the house! for
He is indeed worthy of all praise, full of all glory!" (11; 69-73)

14. Tribes of Bani Israel: Later Isaac got twin sons named Jacob (also known as Israel) and Eisau. Jacob got , from two wives and two maid servants, twelve sons named Leuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun (from Leah) Dan and Naphtali (from Bilhah). Gad and Asher (from Zilpah) Joseph and Bin Yamin (from Rachel), who grew into twelve tribes, which are known as Bani Israel. Eisau the second son of Prophet Isaac migrated to Makkah and Prophet Ismail married his daughter Basmah to him.

15. Second House of God: After forty years of Holy Kaaba, Prophet Isaac built a 'House Of God' at Al Quds which the Muslim treat as their First Qiblah and the Third Harem. Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.) offered salat towards it for 17 months after his migration to Madina.

16. God's Favor for the Faithful: After his success on these trials, Almighty Allah declared that He will elevate Ibrahim to the rank of Imam of the whole world. When Ibrahim enquired about his progeny, Almighty Allah advised that He will award His favors to the faithful descendants only.

And remember that Abraham was tried
by his Lord with certain commands,
which he fulfilled: he said:
"I will make thee an Imam to the Nations."
He pleaded: "And also (Imams) from my offspring!"
He answered: "But My Promise is not
within the reach of evil-doers."

Remember We made the House
a place of assembly for men and
a place of safety; and take ye
the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer;
and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma'il,
that they should sanctify My House for those
who compass it round, or use it as a retreat,
or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in Prayer). (2;124-125)

17. Great Prophets of Islam: Almighty Allah granted great favor to Abraham by raising prominent Prophets like, Jacob, Joseph, Moses David, Solomon, Zakaria, Yahiya and Jesus from Isaac and the Last Great Prophet Mohammed from the line of Ismail. (Be Allah's peace and blessings upon them all). (6; 84-87).

We gave him, Isaac and Jacob: all (three) We guided:
and before him, We guided Noah,
and among his progeny, David, Solomon,
Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron:
thus do We reward those who do good:

And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias:
all in the ranks of the Righteous:

And Isma'il and Elisha, and Jonah, and Lut:
and to all We gave favour above the nations:

(To them) and to their fathers, and progeny and brethren:
We chose them, and We guided them to a straight Way. (6;84-87)

18. Prophet Ibrahim was very clear hearted. Though he had full faith in the Power of Almighty Allah, but when a doubt crept into his heart that how a person could be revived after death, he put the doubt, straight forward to Allah to satisfy his heart.

Behold! Abraham said: "My Lord! Show me
how Thou givest life to the dead."
He said: "Dost thou not then believe?"
He said: "Yea! but to satisfy my own understanding."
He said: "Take four birds; tame them to turn to thee;
put a portion of them on every hill,
and call to them; they will come to thee,(flying) with speed.
Then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise." (2;260)

19. Straight path is always one. Logically there cannot be more than one straight lines between two points. Almighty Allah designated a straight path for the success of mankind. It is only one path not two or more. This was tracked by Prophet Ibrahim and his descendants like Moses, Solomon, Joseph and Jesus. But the people later carved out different off-shoots and named them separate religion like Judaism and Christianity. Prophet Ibrahim and his sons were not Jew or Christian or polytheist. They were upright, straight Monotheist, who submitted to their Lord faithfully. (3;65-67) 2;140-141

Or do ye say that Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac,
Jacob, and the Tribes were Jews or Christians?
Say: Do ye know better than Allah?
Ah! who is more unjust than those who conceal
the testimony they have from Allah?
But Allah is not unmindful of what ye do!

That was a people that hath passed away.
They shall reap the fruit of what they did
and ye of what ye do!
Of their merits there is
no question in your case. (2;140-141)

Ye People of the Book!
why dispute ye about Abraham,
when the Law and the Gospel
were not revealed till after him?
Have ye no understanding?

Ah! ye are those who fell to disputing (even)
in matters of which ye had some knowledge!
but why dispute ye in matters of which
ye have no knowledge?
It is Allah Who knows, and ye who know not!

20. Follow the religion of Abraham: Islaam means Submission (in Arabic). This is the most appropriate term for the True religion. Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.) preached Islaam and not Mohammadanism. The preachers who say that 'be a Jew or Christian you will succeed' are not correct. But we follow the religion of Abraham, (and of all other prophets) called Islam. This is the sure Way of Success. 2;134-136.

They say: "Become Jews or Christians
if ye would be guided (to salvation)."
Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham,
the True, and he joined not gods with Allah."

Say ye: "We believe in Allah,
and the revelation given to us, and to
Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes,
and that given to Moses and Jesus,
and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord:
we make no difference between one and another of them:
and we bow to Allah (in Islam)." (2;134-136)

Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian;
but he was true in Faith,
and bowed his will to Allah's (which is Islam),
and he joined not gods with Allah.

Without doubt, among men,
the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those
who follow him, as are also
this Prophet and those who believe:
and Allah is the Protector of those who have Faith. (3;65-68)

21. The followers of Abraham: Prophet Ibrahim was great nation in his person. The believers who follow him are the real winners. 16;120-123

Abraham was indeed a model,
devoutly obedient to Allah, (and) true in faith,
and he joined not gods with Allah.

He showed his gratitude for the favours of Allah,
Who chose him, and guided him to a Straight Way.

And We gave him Good in this world,and he will be,
in the Hereafter, in the ranks of the Righteous.

So We have taught thee the inspired (message),
"Follow the ways of Abraham the True in Faith,
and he joined not gods with Allah."

22.: All Prophets were Muslim: Almighty Allah declared clearly that the Divine religion, He revealed to Prophet Mohammed is the same religion which was revealed to Prophet Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. There cannot be any other faith better than this. (42;13 4;125.)

The same religion has He established
for you as that which He enjoined on Noah –
that which We have sent by inspiration to thee –
and that which We enjoined
on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus:namely,
that ye should remain steadfast in Religion,
and make no divisions therein:
to those who worship other things than Allah,
hard is the (way) to which thou callest them.
Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases,
and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him).(42;13)

Who can be better in religion than one
who submits his whole self to Allah,
does good, and follows the way of
Abraham the true in faith?
For Allah did take Abraham for a friend. (4;125)

20. Divine Religion is Islam: Muslims are very fortunate to profess the True Divine Faith of Prophet Abraham. They are the real followers of Prophet Abraham.

The Haj was started by Prophet Abraham. It is the Perfect Replica of the incidents and occasions of the life of Prophet Abraham and his family. Here we mention the main rites of Haj and their relation ship with this noble family.

(i) CONSTRUCTION OF HOLY KAABA: Almighty Allah bestowed great favor on Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail to build the Holy Kaaba at Makkah Mukarramah, which is the Focal point of the True Faith in the world. Muslims turn their faces towards it in salaat, five times a day from every corner of the earth. Even their dead are buried facing the Holy Kaaba.

(ii) PERFORMING TAWAF: When Prophet Ibrahim completed the construction of Holy Kaaba, Almighty Allah told him to call the people, to come and perform the Haj & Tawaf. Ibrahim said, O Lord there no one to hear my call at this lonely place. He said, The call is upon you and We shall make it conveyed. It is said that Almighty Allah conveyed this call to all the souls in the world and even unborn souls within their parents. Who ever replied the call saying Labbaik (O Lord we are here to respond your call) performs the Haj.

(iii) SAEE OF SAFA & MARWAH: It is the remembrance of the ordeal of a Lady who called her Lord Allah in total Distress and succeeded in winning His pleasure. Every pilgrim is obliged to run between the two hillocks like Hajrah in every Haj & Umrah.

(iv) ZAMZAM: This is the water which gushed out as a gift to infant Ismail. Pilgrims drink it and take it with them as holy water to the four corners of the world.

(v) RAMI JAMRAAT: When Prophet Ibrahim was taking his son, Ismail for a sacrifice in Mina the Iblees tried the seduce the family three times and they threw dust and pebbles upon him. The pilgrims follow the same practice and throw pebbles upon Iblees seven times each in three days of Haj.

(vi) ANIMAL SACRIFICE: This is in commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's decision to sacrifice his son Ismail and God’s Mercy upon him to ransom it by a sheep. The pilgrims in Mina and other Muslims celebrate the Great Win by sacrificing sheep, goat, cow and camels through out the world. About two million animals in Mina and many millions abroad are slaughtered within three days whose meat is distributed to the poor. This is the largest free food distribution program of the world on the 'Eid al Ad-ha' annually.

(vi) MAQAM-I-IBRAHIM : This is the place of a stone, marked with the foot print of Prophet Ibrahim where he was standing while raising the walls of Holy Kaaba. Every pilgrim offers Salat at this blessed place in every Tawaf.

(vii) HIJR ISMAIL This place marked with Prophet Ismail's name is now apart of Holy Kaaba and pilgrims offer Salaat at this place.

The above rites of Haj are directly connected with Noble family of Prophet Ibrahim. The other venues of his relation with Islam and Muslims are as under:

(viii) THE RELIGION OF ISLAAM: Islaam or Deen Haneef is the religion of Prophet Ibrahim. This is main stream of Divine Guidance including all prophets of Torah and the Bible. Judaism and Christianity are the off shoots grafted by the people at later stage. Muslims are fortunate to follow the True religion.

(ix) SURAH IN QURAN: Prophet Ibrahim's reference is mentioned in 63 verses of 19 chapters and a full chapter is marked with his name as 'Surah Ibrahim'(Surah no. 14) in Holy Quran.

(x) DAROOD IBRAHIMI: Prophet Ibrahim stands at the pinnacle of Submission receiving highest blessing from Almighty Allah. Muslims beseech "Almighty Allah send Your blessings upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family AS YOU SENT BLESSINGS UPON IBRAHIM AND THE FAMILY OF IBRAHIM" This prayer is recited in Salaat tens of time daily by millions of Muslims around the globe.

(xi) CIRCUMCISION: Prophet Ibrahim was the first to follow circumcision for himself and his sons. Muslims follow this 'Sunnah Ibrahimi' through out the world. No other community of the world follows it as a religious practice.

(xii) NAMING IBRAHIM: When Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.) got his first son (after prophet-hood) from Maria, he named him after his ancestor as Ibrahim. Muslims through out the world like this name for their sons.

(xiii) MEETING IN ME'RAAJ: Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.) met his ancestor Prophet Ibrahim in Me'raaj and he sent his salaam to Ummah Islamiah as they are his True followers.

(xiv) DEMARKACTION OF HAREM: Prophet Ibrahim prayed for the prosperity and security of Makkah and declared it a Harem (restricted territory). It is marked by pillars around it. No non Muslim, including the Jew & Christian can enter this area.

(xv) MUSLIM BURIAL : Muslims dead are not disposed like other religions but they are honorably buried on the Pattern of Prophet Ibrahim. Many prayers are said and they are lowered in the grave with the words "Ala millat-i-Ibrahima Haneefa" (on the True Religion of Ibrahim we entrust you to Almighty Allah.)

Islaam is the religion of Prophet Abraham and Muslims are his True followers. They observe various Patterns of Abraham in many aspects of their lives. There is no other nation on the earth who is more faithful to the religion of Ibrahim. Though Haj in Islam was initiated by Prophet Mohammed but there is no rite connected with his life in Haj. The entire Haj is the Commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim and his Submission to the Will of Almighty Allah and this is called Islaam.
Tanwir Phool
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:jazax: fiddaaraini Khairaa
Always remember in du'aa
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Eid mubarak.
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Abu Tariq Hijazi Sb :jazax:

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